🚀Old Token Migration

The Migration Process from the original BAS token to the new Arcas token (NOW COMPLETE)


The Block Ape Scissors token was launched in June 2021 on Binance Smart Chain representing the Block Ape Scissors Blockchain Gaming Studio. The token can be found here: OLD BAS Token As of 30/09/2023 the Block Ape Scissors token has been deprecated and liquidity has been migrated to a token v2 called ARCAS, eliminating security risks present in the old token. NOTE: This migration information covers detail relating to the ARCAS token and dapp, this token is specifically for use within the Compete-to-Earn ecosystem that Arcas, initially through Arcas Champions, will build. We believe that using a single token for our ecosystem and carefully designed tokenomics provides the most sustainable approach and an enhanced user experience. Subsections

Migration Process

Unstaking & Migration

Last updated